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Connecting you with us



What are you looking for?

Let’s connect and we’ll schedule a FREE 15-30-minute consultation to discuss your social media status and goals.


Personalized suggestions.

I’ll prepare a proposal to share what strategies are the best fit for your needs and preferences.


Pick the plan or course for you.

Figure out what makes most sense for you. Want a Consultation Call a Workshop or Monthly Social Media Management?

"Kate jumped right in, was extremely easy to work with, and gave great advice. She asked the perfect questions in order to get a sense of who I was and what I wanted for the vision of my website. She is funny, professional, and EXTREMELY good at what she does. She brought my practice vision and persona to life through words, with an eloquence I couldn’t have drummed up myself… not on my schedule anyway. I wish I could put her in my pocket and she could write EVERYTHING for me. Without a doubt, I’d hire her again."



Can you review the marketing that we’re currently doing and tell us if it’s working?

It’s best to get a good feel for what you have going on before we dive in. If you’re unsure about your marketing, we’ll gladly perform an audit and analysis to gather a baseline understanding of the impact your current marketing is having —helping guide our efforts moving forward.

What kind of contract is there when we work together?

We start with a 3-month agreement upfront and shift to month-to-month. Goodness takes time so those three months help us get the ball rolling so we can start measuring the effect. <Like a topical rx, results don’t happen overnight>

With special approval, we offer one-time projects, but the most productive working relationships where we can achieve a synergistic flow happen over time. Additionally, the best marketing results come from continuous, cohesive, and consistent marketing strategies.

How much do your services cost?

Every project is unique so there’s no one size fits all when it comes to price. Once we chat and formulate a proposal based on your needs and goals, we’ll deliver detailed pricing and deliverables.

Who’s a good candidate for Derm Marketing Academy online courses?

For best results in Derm Marketing Academy, we recommend you, the physician, take the course if you want to take the reins on your marketing, or appoint a member of your staff to complete the course work. By completing online courses in Derm Marketing Academy, the student will finish an expert —feeling proficient, confident, and ready to execute.

Let us guide you to the marketing plan that's right for you